Nagasaki, a picturesque city on the island of Kyushu, Japan, is a place of profound historical significance and natural beauty. Known globally for the tragic events of August 9, 1945, when it became the second city to suffer an atomic bombing, Nagasaki has since transformed into a symbol of peace and resilience. The city’s rich tapestry of history, blending traditional Japanese culture with influences from its past interactions with Western traders, offers a unique exploration experience for visitors.
Tour Itinerary: 7.5 hour Full Day (Nagasaki Private Tour)
Note: Clients may return earlier to the port by canceling one of the above attractions.
Today we will go over the pass to another part of the route. We will pack our things into a minibus that will take backpacks and suitcases to the next hotel. And we will make the transition to the old town with small backpacks. The distance is short - only 10 km, but there is a solid height difference - 1100 meters. We spend the night in a hotel and settle down for the last evening in the mountains.
Today we will go over the pass to another part of the route. We will pack our things into a minibus that will take backpacks and suitcases to the next hotel. And we will make the transition to the old town with small backpacks. The distance is short - only 10 km, but there is a solid height difference - 1100 meters. We spend the night in a hotel and settle down for the last evening in the mountains.
Today we will go over the pass to another part of the route. We will pack our things into a minibus that will take backpacks and suitcases to the next hotel. And we will make the transition to the old town with small backpacks. The distance is short - only 10 km, but there is a solid height difference - 1100 meters. We spend the night in a hotel and settle down for the last evening in the mountains.
Today we will go over the pass to another part of the route. We will pack our things into a minibus that will take backpacks and suitcases to the next hotel. And we will make the transition to the old town with small backpacks. The distance is short - only 10 km, but there is a solid height difference - 1100 meters. We spend the night in a hotel and settle down for the last evening in the mountains.